
Sunday, March 15, 2009


As of this week, new job, and we have found a puppy that we are considering - having a meet and greet with him next week! Also, Will's 25th on Thursday which I am happy I will finally be here for, for the first time in like 3 years.

I have only been back home for 2 weeks or so and I feel myself falling into a nice routine, getting back into the feel of my surrounds, and enjoying the ability to see certain people a fair amount. Among these certain people is a strange one. I’m not entirely sure how to describe him, but he’s definitely rad at the very least. So yes, I seem to be growing quite fond of a particular male. He is like no one I have had the pleasure of meeting (having said that, he does remind me somewhat of a close friend), and he makes me smile like I haven’t done so in such a long time. He isn’t afraid to hold my hand, he isn’t afraid to call me an Oldfag once I have called him a Newfag. He is happy to game with me, discuss gaming, technology, politics as well as religion. He can go on and on about computers, knowing my knowledge lies within other feats – and I like it. He has only been around a short time, but already I feel as though I’m learning from him. It is such a bizarre feeling, but most definitely a good one. He leaves me with butterflies and a huge smile, something which I haven’t legitimately had in oh such a while.

As I said, he hasn’t been around for a while so I will be careful with getting my hopes up. But between us, I hope he sticks around :-)